Prevention Update (April 2024)

This spring, while visiting Rapha's Prevention programs in Southeast Asia, I saw firsthand how important relationships and community building are to Rapha’s prevention work. Our Community Workers are committed to walking alongside each family toward strength and stability.

Rapha's Prevention program on the border of Thailand and Myanmar serves a refugee community made up of families who have fled the civil war in Myanmar. Due to poverty and isolation, refugee families and communities are extremely vulnerable to trafficking and abuse. Rapha's Prevention program comes alongside them to provide resources, like food, medical care, and education support, and to offer emotional and social support during this crisis.

Working with refugee communities is complex, but Rapha staff members' strength lies in building relationships. We sat down with a grandfather who is raising his grandchildren, and he shared his struggles and hopes with us. He said, "I don't have much I can give my grandkids, but I can send them to school every day so they can have a better future." Rapha's Prevention staff gains the trust of parents and caregivers by spending time in their community every day, making it possible to share resources and opportunities with them.


The purpose of Rapha's Prevention program is to help strengthen families and communities and to promote the protection of children from exploitation and abuse.

The program equips Community Workers to offer education, training, and social support, facilitate activities at Rapha’s Kids Club Community Centers, and administer services to vulnerable families and children. It also provides resources for families (food, clothing, healthcare, and housing support) and education support for children (tuition, school supplies, and uniforms).

COMMUNITY WORKERS - Community Workers provide the connection and support that are the heartbeat of the Prevention program- they connect families to resources, education, and social support.

RESOURCES FOR FAMILIES - Resources for Families include food distribution and assistance with housing and healthcare emergencies. These resources help strengthen families and make them less vulnerable to exploitation and debt bondage.

EDUCATION SUPPORT - Education Support for children includes tuition, fees, school uniforms, and supplies. Education is essential for the prevention of trafficking and abuse. Being engaged in an educational system keeps children safer today and in the future.

Our vision is to see all children living in sustainable freedom within safe communities. Thank you for coming alongside us in this effort. 


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